Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Godzilla Ponders Satellite Technology

I’ve had so much trouble in the past with passwords and one hacked e-mail account that my service provider has locked me out of certain iPhone logins. Did I mention yet that my iPhone is my sole source of connectivity away from the office? In spite of myself, I recently accomplished the following in preparation for the 2015 UltraPedestrian Wilderness Challenge (UPWC):

  1. Establish a blog (
  2. Acquire GPS technology (Suunto Ambit3 S)
  3. Interface with web-based software for the GPS watch (Movescount)
  4. Join UPWC’s group on Facebook, which first requires…
  5. …an actual Facebook account
  6. Establish a personal e-mail address for all this activity….
  7. …that I can access on my iPhone…
  8. …even though several key apps remain locked?
  9. Unsupported!

I have to admit that the GPS watch and account setups were the easiest accomplishments on the list, perfectly seamless. I was able to install and access the Movescount app on my iPhone too, but I have not been able to sync the Suunto with my iPhone yet. Regardless of these accomplishments, this is how I really feel about technology:

Suunto Ambit3 with Godzilla for Scale. Upgradient, 2015.

Meanwhile, the weather is beautiful and the days are long. I missed the summer solstice wrestling with this list, but now I am ready for my next adventure on the trails.

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